#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Tests for the wallet-admin dispatch code. # # Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> # Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University # # See LICENSE for licensing terms. use strict; use Test::More tests => 36; # Create a dummy class for Wallet::Admin that prints what method was called # with its arguments and returns data for testing. package Wallet::Admin; use vars qw($error); $error = 0; sub error { if ($error) { return "some error"; } else { return; } } sub new { print "new\n"; return bless ({}, 'Wallet::Admin'); } sub destroy { print "destroy\n"; return if $error; return 1; } sub initialize { shift; print "initialize @_\n"; return if $error; return 1; } sub register_object { shift; print "register_object @_\n"; return if $error; return 1; } sub register_verifier { shift; print "register_verifier @_\n"; return if $error; return 1; } # Back to the main package and the actual test suite. Lie about whether the # Wallet::Admin package has already been loaded. package main; $INC{'Wallet/Admin.pm'} = 'FAKE'; eval { do "$ENV{SOURCE}/../server/wallet-admin" }; # Run the wallet admin client. This fun hack takes advantage of the fact that # the wallet admin client is written in Perl so that we can substitute our own # Wallet::Admin class. sub run_admin { my (@args) = @_; my $result = ''; open (OUTPUT, '>', \$result) or die "cannot create output string: $!\n"; select OUTPUT; local $| = 1; eval { command (@args) }; my $error = $@; select STDOUT; return ($result, $error); } # Now for the actual tests. First check for unknown commands. my ($out, $err) = run_admin ('foo'); is ($err, "unknown command foo\n", 'Unknown command'); is ($out, "new\n", ' and nothing ran'); # Check too few and too many arguments for every command. my %commands = (destroy => [0, 0], initialize => [1, 1], register => [3, 3]); for my $command (sort keys %commands) { my ($min, $max) = @{ $commands{$command} }; if ($min > 0) { ($out, $err) = run_admin ($command, ('foo') x ($min - 1)); is ($err, "too few arguments to $command\n", "Too few arguments for $command"); is ($out, "new\n", ' and nothing ran'); } if ($max >= 0) { ($out, $err) = run_admin ($command, ('foo') x ($max + 1)); is ($err, "too many arguments to $command\n", "Too many arguments for $command"); is ($out, "new\n", ' and nothing ran'); } } # Test destroy. my $answer = ''; close STDIN; open (STDIN, '<', \$answer) or die "cannot reopen standard input: $!\n"; ($out, $err) = run_admin ('destroy'); is ($err, "Aborted\n", 'Destroy with no answer aborts'); is ($out, "new\n" . 'This will delete all data in the wallet database. Are you sure (N/y)? ', ' and prints the right prompt'); seek (STDIN, 0, 0); $answer = 'n'; ($out, $err) = run_admin ('destroy'); is ($err, "Aborted\n", 'Destroy with negative answer answer aborts'); is ($out, "new\n" . 'This will delete all data in the wallet database. Are you sure (N/y)? ', ' and prints the right prompt'); seek (STDIN, 0, 0); $answer = 'y'; ($out, $err) = run_admin ('destroy'); is ($err, '', 'Destroy succeeds with a positive answer'); is ($out, "new\n" . 'This will delete all data in the wallet database.' . ' Are you sure (N/y)? ' . "destroy\n", ' and destroy was run'); seek (STDIN, 0, 0); # Test initialize. ($out, $err) = run_admin ('initialize', 'rra'); is ($err, "invalid admin principal rra\n", 'Initialize requires a principal'); is ($out, "new\n", ' and nothing was run'); ($out, $err) = run_admin ('initialize', 'rra@stanford.edu'); is ($err, '', 'Initialize succeeds with a principal'); is ($out, "new\ninitialize rra\@stanford.edu\n", ' and runs the right code'); # Test register. ($out, $err) = run_admin ('register', 'foo', 'foo', 'Foo::Bar'); is ($err, "only object or verifier is supported for register\n", 'Register requires object or verifier'); is ($out, "new\n", ' and nothing was run'); ($out, $err) = run_admin ('register', 'object', 'foo', 'Foo::Object'); is ($err, '', 'Register succeeds for object'); is ($out, "new\nregister_object foo Foo::Object\n", ' and returns the right outout'); ($out, $err) = run_admin ('register', 'verifier', 'foo', 'Foo::Verifier'); is ($err, '', 'Register succeeds for verifier'); is ($out, "new\nregister_verifier foo Foo::Verifier\n", ' and returns the right outout'); # Test error handling. $Wallet::Admin::error = 1; ($out, $err) = run_admin ('destroy'); is ($err, "some error\n", 'Error handling succeeds for destroy'); is ($out, "new\n" . 'This will delete all data in the wallet database.' . ' Are you sure (N/y)? ' . "destroy\n", ' and calls the right methods'); ($out, $err) = run_admin ('initialize', 'rra@stanford.edu'); is ($err, "some error\n", 'Error handling succeeds for initialize'); is ($out, "new\ninitialize rra\@stanford.edu\n", ' and calls the right methods'); ($out, $err) = run_admin ('register', 'object', 'foo', 'Foo::Object'); is ($err, "some error\n", 'Error handling succeeds for register object'); is ($out, "new\nregister_object foo Foo::Object\n", ' and calls the right methods'); ($out, $err) = run_admin ('register', 'verifier', 'foo', 'Foo::Verifier'); is ($err, "some error\n", 'Error handling succeeds for register verifier'); is ($out, "new\nregister_verifier foo Foo::Verifier\n", ' and calls the right methods');