#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: backend-t.in 3547 2007-09-14 23:18:48Z rra $
# Tests for the keytab-backend dispatch code.
# Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
# Copyright 2006, 2007 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University
# See LICENSE for licensing terms.

use strict;
use vars qw($CONFIG $KADMIN $SYSLOG $TMP);

use IO::String;
use Test::More tests => 63;

# Load the keytab-backend code and override various settings.
eval { do '@abs_top_srcdir@/server/keytab-backend' };
$CONFIG = '@abs_top_srcdir@/tests/data/allow-extract';
$KADMIN = '@abs_top_srcdir@/tests/data/fake-kadmin';
$TMP = '.';

# Run the keytab backend.
sub run_backend {
    my (@args) = @_;
    my $result;
    my $output = IO::String->new (\$result);
    $output->autoflush (1);
    select $output;
    eval { download (@args) };
    my $error = $@;
    select STDOUT;
    return ($result, $error);

# The actual tests.
$ENV{REMOTE_USER} = 'admin';
my ($out, $err) = run_backend ();
is ($err, "keytab-backend: invalid arguments: \n", 'Fails with no arguments');
is ($OUTPUT, "invalid arguments: \n", ' and syslog matches');
is ($out, '', ' and produces no output');
($out, $err) = run_backend ('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
is ($err, "keytab-backend: invalid arguments: foo bar baz\n",
    'Fails with three arguments');
is ($OUTPUT, "invalid arguments: foo bar baz\n", ' and syslog matches');
is ($out, '', ' and produces no output');
for my $bad (qw{service service\*@example =@example host/foo+bar@example
                rcmd.foo@EXAMPLE host/foo/bar@EXAMPLE /bar@EXAMPLE.NET
                bar/@EXAMPLE.NET bar/bar@}) {
    ($out, $err) = run_backend ('keytab', $bad);
    is ($err, "keytab-backend: bad principal name $bad\n",
        "Invalid principal $bad");
    is ($OUTPUT, "bad principal name $bad\n", ' and syslog matches');
    is ($out, '', ' and produces no output');
for my $bad (qw{service/foo@EXAMPLE.ORGA bar@EXAMPLE.NET
                host/example.net@EXAMPLE.ORG aservice/foo@EXAMPLE.ORG}) {
    ($out, $err) = run_backend ('keytab', $bad);
    is ($err,
        "keytab-backend: permission denied: admin may not retrieve $bad\n",
        "Permission denied for $bad");
    is ($OUTPUT, "permission denied: admin may not retrieve $bad\n",
        ' and syslog matches');
    is ($out, '', ' and produces no output');
for my $good (qw{service/foo@EXAMPLE.ORG foo/bar@EXAMPLE.NET
                 host/example.org@EXAMPLE.ORG}) {
    ($out, $err) = run_backend ($good);
    is ($err, '', "Success for good keytab $good");
    is ($out, "$good\n", ' and the right output');
    is ($OUTPUT, "keytab $good retrieved by admin\n", ' and syslog is right');
    ok (! -f "$TMP/keytab$$", ' and the file is gone');
($out, $err) = run_backend ('keytab', 'error@EXAMPLE.ORG');
is ($err, "keytab-backend: retrieve of error\@EXAMPLE.ORG failed for"
    . " admin: kadmin.local exited with status 1\n",
    'Good error on kadmin failure');
is ($OUTPUT, "retrieve of error\@EXAMPLE.ORG failed for admin: kadmin.local"
    . " exited with status 1\n", ' and syslog matches');
is ($out, '', ' and no output');

# Test a configuration failure.
$CONFIG = '/path/to/bad/file';
($out, $err) = run_backend ('get', 'service/foo@EXAMPLE.ORG');
like ($err, qr{^keytab-backend: cannot open /path/to/bad/file: },
      'Fails with bad configuration file');
like ($OUTPUT, qr{^cannot open /path/to/bad/file: }, ' and syslog matches');
is ($out, '', ' and produces no output');