# Shell function library for test cases. # # Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> # Copyright 2009 Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> # Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University # # See LICENSE for licensing terms. # Print out the number of test cases we expect to run. plan () { count=1 planned="$1" failed=0 echo "1..$1" trap finish 0 } # Report the test status on exit. finish () { local highest looks highest=`expr "$count" - 1` looks='# Looks like you' if [ "$planned" -gt 0 ] ; then if [ "$planned" -gt "$highest" ] ; then if [ "$planned" -gt 1 ] ; then echo "$looks planned $planned tests but only ran $highest" else echo "$looks planned $planned test but only ran $highest" fi elif [ "$planned" -lt "$highest" ] ; then local extra extra=`expr "$highest" - "$planned"` if [ "$planned" -gt 1 ] ; then echo "$looks planned $planned tests but ran $extra extra" else echo "$looks planned $planned test but ran $extra extra" fi elif [ "$failed" -gt 0 ] ; then if [ "$failed" -gt 1 ] ; then echo "$looks failed $failed tests of $planned" else echo "$looks failed $failed test of $planned" fi elif [ "$planned" -gt 1 ] ; then echo "# All $planned tests successful or skipped" else echo "# $planned test successful or skipped" fi fi } # Skip the entire test suite. Should be run instead of plan. skip_all () { local desc desc="$1" if [ -n "$desc" ] ; then echo "1..0 # skip $desc" else echo "1..0 # skip" fi exit 0 } # ok takes a test description and a command to run and prints success if that # command is successful, false otherwise. The count starts at 1 and is # updated each time ok is printed. ok () { local desc desc="$1" if [ -n "$desc" ] ; then desc=" - $desc" fi shift if "$@" ; then echo ok $count$desc else echo not ok $count$desc failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi count=`expr $count + 1` } # Skip the next test. Takes the reason why the test is skipped. skip () { echo "ok $count # skip $*" count=`expr $count + 1` } # Report the same status on a whole set of tests. Takes the count of tests, # the description, and then the command to run to determine the status. ok_block () { local end i desc i=$count end=`expr $count + $1` shift desc="$1" shift while [ "$i" -lt "$end" ] ; do ok "$desc" "$@" i=`expr $i + 1` done } # Skip a whole set of tests. Takes the count and then the reason for skipping # the test. skip_block () { local i end i=$count end=`expr $count + $1` shift while [ "$i" -lt "$end" ] ; do skip "$@" i=`expr $i + 1` done } # Run a program expected to succeed, and print ok if it does and produces the # correct output. Takes the description, expected exit status, the expected # output, the command to run, and then any arguments for that command. Strip # a colon and everything after it off the output if the expected status is # non-zero, since this is probably a system-specific error message. ok_program () { local desc w_status w_output output status desc="$1" shift w_status="$1" shift w_output="$1" shift output=`"$@" 2>&1` status=$? if [ "$w_status" -ne 0 ] ; then output=`echo "$output" | sed 's/^\([^:]* [^:]*\):.*/\1/'` fi if [ $status = $w_status ] && [ x"$output" = x"$w_output" ] ; then ok "$desc" true else echo "# saw: ($status) $output" echo "# not: ($w_status) $w_output" ok "$desc" false fi } # Bail out with an error message. bail () { echo 'Bail out!' "$@" exit 1 }