#! /bin/sh
# $Id$
# Test suite for xmalloc and friends.

# The count starts at 1 and is updated each time ok is printed.  printcount
# takes "ok" or "not ok".
printcount () {
    echo "$1 $count $2"
    count=`expr $count + 1`

# Run a program expected to succeed, and print ok if it does.
runsuccess () {
    output=`$xmalloc "$1" "$2" "$3" 2>&1 >/dev/null`
    if test $status = 0 && test -z "$output" ; then
        printcount "ok"
        if test $status = 2 ; then
            printcount "ok" "# skip no data limit support"
            printcount "not ok"
            echo "  $output"

# Run a program expected to fail and make sure it fails with an exit status
# of 2 and the right failure message.  Strip the colon and everything after
# it off the error message since it's system-specific.
runfailure () {
    output=`$xmalloc "$1" "$2" "$3" 2>&1 >/dev/null`
    output=`echo "$output" | sed 's/:.*//' \
                | sed 's% [^ ]*/xmalloc.c% xmalloc.c%'`
    if test $status = 1 && test x"$output" = x"$4" ; then
        printcount "ok"
        if test $status = 2 ; then
            printcount "ok" "# skip no data limit support"
            printcount "not ok"
            echo "  saw: $output"
            echo "  not: $4"

# Find where the helper program is.

# Total tests.
echo 36

# First run the tests expected to succeed.
runsuccess "m" "21"     "0"
runsuccess "m" "128000" "0"
runsuccess "m" "0"      "0"
runsuccess "r" "21"     "0"
runsuccess "r" "128000" "0"
runsuccess "s" "21"     "0"
runsuccess "s" "128000" "0"
runsuccess "n" "21"     "0"
runsuccess "n" "128000" "0"
runsuccess "c" "24"     "0"
runsuccess "c" "128000" "0"
runsuccess "a" "24"     "0"
runsuccess "a" "128000" "0"
runsuccess "v" "24"     "0"
runsuccess "v" "128000" "0"

# Now limit our memory to 120KB and then try the large ones again, all of
# which should fail.
runfailure "m" "128000" "120000" \
    "failed to malloc 128000 bytes at xmalloc.c line 54"
runfailure "r" "128000" "120000" \
    "failed to realloc 128000 bytes at xmalloc.c line 80"
runfailure "s" "64000"  "120000" \
    "failed to strdup 64000 bytes at xmalloc.c line 109"
runfailure "n" "64000"  "120000" \
    "failed to strndup 64000 bytes at xmalloc.c line 133"
runfailure "c" "128000" "120000" \
    "failed to calloc 128000 bytes at xmalloc.c line 155"
runfailure "a" "64000" "120000" \
    "failed to asprintf 64000 bytes at xmalloc.c line 177"
runfailure "v" "64000" "120000" \
    "failed to vasprintf 64000 bytes at xmalloc.c line 196"

# Check our custom error handler.
runfailure "M" "128000" "120000" "malloc 128000 xmalloc.c 54"
runfailure "R" "128000" "120000" "realloc 128000 xmalloc.c 80"
runfailure "S" "64000"  "120000" "strdup 64000 xmalloc.c 109"
runfailure "N" "64000"  "120000" "strndup 64000 xmalloc.c 133"
runfailure "C" "128000" "120000" "calloc 128000 xmalloc.c 155"
runfailure "A" "64000"  "120000" "asprintf 64000 xmalloc.c 177"
runfailure "V" "64000"  "120000" "vasprintf 64000 xmalloc.c 196"

# Check the smaller ones again just for grins.
runsuccess "m" "21" "96000"
runsuccess "r" "32" "96000"
runsuccess "s" "64" "96000"
runsuccess "n" "20" "96000"
runsuccess "c" "24" "96000"
runsuccess "a" "30" "96000"
runsuccess "v" "35" "96000"