* Some standard helpful macros.
* The canonical version of this file is maintained in the rra-c-util package,
* which can be found at .
* Written by Russ Allbery
* The authors hereby relinquish any claim to any copyright that they may have
* in this work, whether granted under contract or by operation of law or
* international treaty, and hereby commit to the public, at large, that they
* shall not, at any time in the future, seek to enforce any copyright in this
* work against any person or entity, or prevent any person or entity from
* copying, publishing, distributing or creating derivative works of this
* work.
#define UTIL_MACROS_H 1
* Used for iterating through arrays. ARRAY_SIZE returns the number of
* elements in the array (useful for a < upper bound in a for loop) and
* ARRAY_END returns a pointer to the element past the end (ISO C99 makes it
* legal to refer to such a pointer as long as it's never dereferenced).
#define ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof((array)[0]))
#define ARRAY_END(array) (&(array)[ARRAY_SIZE(array)])
/* Used for unused parameters to silence gcc warnings. */
#define UNUSED __attribute__((__unused__))
#endif /* UTIL_MACROS_H */